
Censored Loser Porn

Creating BetaFags

Are you brave enough 

to wear this in public?

I never thought I'd have the guts to step out in public wearing girly clothes, especially in this embarrassing lockable dress that offers no escape!

But one night, my Mistress, feeling all dominant, tells me I'm going for a long walk outside in the dress. At first, I'm like, "No way!" But the kinky side kicks in, and before I know it, I'm outside with the door clicking shut behind me.

The click hits me hard, and I realize I'm locked out, no turning back. So, I start my walk, and bam! Teenage lads show up, and I'm like, "Oh, crap!" I dodge into a side street, and luckily, they don't follow.

As I stroll on, someone starts tailing me. Trying to avoid them, I speed up a steep hill, but it backfires—I'm sweating like crazy, and I can't cool down because the dress is padlocked. So, I slow down and finally chill at the hill's top.

Later, I spot what seems like car headlights at the end of a lane. Not wanting to be seen, I wait, but the car never leaves. So, I take a detour, get lost in the dark, and almost end up back where I started. Now, I have to choose: risk getting lost again or pass a trucker stop.

I gather courage, stroll past the trucks—luckily, all curtains closed, no one sees me. Worries for nothing! I reach the spot where I thought there were car lights, only to find it's a hotel. With the heart-shaped hood, I get some anonymity as I walk past people dining inside.

I continue, dodge behind rocks to avoid being seen by passing cars, and finally reach the tunnel my Mistress mentioned. But, I hear voices and see torch lights, so I run like a sissy!

Deciding it's time to head home, I take the shortest route, passing three pubs. Luckily, I sneak past the first two, but the third one with people outside forces me to take the long route, which makes me get spotted by many passing cars.

Back at my Mistress's door, I'm buzzing with excitement, telling her all about my adventure. Weeks later, she spills my story to another sissy with the same dress, and now I might have to do it again with them. It hasn't happened yet, but who knows what kind of "lights" are waiting around the next corner.

I haven't dared to wear girly clothes in public since, and honestly, I'm not eager to! But writing this out reminds me of the crazy thrill I got, so who knows, maybe one day if I'm turned on enough and ordered to do so!

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