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Creating BetaFags

Bdsmlr Chrome Extension v1.21

I made a quick update to the extension in response to the sluggish performance of the dashboard's infinite scroll feature.

I noticed by turning off infinite scroll, it would significantly boost the site's speed. However, the manually clicking the "Next" button can be a bit inconvenient and annoying.

To improve this, I've integrated a new feature that automatically loads the next page when you scroll past a line at the bottom of the page.

Additionally, I've introduced a seven-page pagination system and a user-friendly "Go to Page" form. These enhancements should significantly improve the navigation experience on the Bdsmlr Dashboard.

Please note: this feature is only for the dashboard and not personal blogs.

It will also only be enabled if you turn infinitive scroll off.

Download: ​Bdsmlr Extension v1.21

You will need to unzip it and then head over to your extensions page:


and enable developer options and then click load unpacked and select the unzipped folder.

See here if you need help with it: ​https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Load-Unpacked-Extension-in-Chrome-Easy/

Please see other extensions for previous updates.

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