Using chat on your mobile enables you to always be in chat and be notified of any new messages from anyone! (So if you see in me in chat and I do not reply you know why! - although I will see the message at a later time)
If you private message me on there I can message back and you will see it this way!
You can also set a profile pic and upload pics directly in chat + many other options!
To use chat on mobile you can use a IRC app such as IRCCloud.
(You can use any IRC app in the app stores)
To set up IRC use these settings:
Name: Bdsmlr (This can be anything)
Port: 6697
Channels to join: sissy (optional)
Name + Pass: (Optional - This is not your BDSMLR password! - It is if you have registered your chat name)
if you get a message like:
No such Name / Room
this means you will need to select a room or a name of person to message in right hand menu
Heads up: It looks like they block some VPN's if you can't connect!