
Censored Loser Porn

Creating BetaFags

Unfollow Deleted Blogs Button

This button helps maintain the cleanliness and error-free operation of your blog by unfollowing blogs that have never been updated (deleted blogs). When a blog is deleted, it does not automatically unfollow on your end, leading to potential errors, including divide by zero errors, and unexpected behavior on your main feed.

How It Works:

  1. Identify Inactive Blogs: Before using the button, ensure that you're aware it unfollows inactive or deleted blogs. Note that this button is intended for use on the main feed only, not within your individual blogs. If you wish to use it within your blogs, consider reblogging this post to make it visible on the main feed.
  2. Click the Button: Simply click the "Unfollow Blogs" button below to initiate the process. The button will scan your blog and unfollow any inactive blogs it finds.

Why It's Important:

  1. Prevents Errors: Unfollowing inactive blogs helps prevent errors and unexpected behaviour, ensuring your blog functions smoothly.
  2. Enhances Performance: By reducing the number of inactive blogs you follow, you can improve the performance and load time of your blog.

Note: Please remember that this button is designed to work exclusively on the main feed and does not function within your individual blogs. Before using the button, make sure to share the post on your blog to ensure accurate cleanup.


This is a user-generated post and not generated by staff. We have no control over why staff is not fixing this issue, so we have implemented this button to address the issue of deleted followed blogs for your convenience.

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